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B i o g r a p h y

Mike Coldewey, a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan and North Texas State University, has been playing piano on stage, for private parties and all venues for the last twenty years.


He started playing piano at the age of seven and started formal lessons at nine. At twelve, studying with Tom Barber, he became the youngest winner of the Della Sehrt piano contest in Beloit, Wisconsin. He was an honor recitalist at Illinois Wesleyan University, where he studied with Robert Bankert, R. Beford Watkins, and Dwight Drexler, as well as independent studies with Anna McGrosso. He also led several jazz groups in Bloomington, Illinois and St. Charles, and conducted the second IWU jazz band.

At North Texas State (now University of North Texas), Mike studied piano with Larry Walz, while continuing his jazz studies with Rich Matteson and Dan Hearle. He currently resides in the Dallas area.


© 2020 by Mike Coldewey

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